
Thank you to the many people who helped bring this project to life by donating their time, money and expertise.

Kingdom Sponsors

  • Marian & Jim Daross

Phylum Sponsors

  • Jade Wibbels
  • Jody Goode & Joel Rubinstein
  • Justin & Lauren Tajchman
  • Kim Dryden
  • Michael Brashear
  • Quinn Bott

Class Sponsors

  • Arlo Johnson
  • Kim Klask
  • Leah Kruger

Order Sponsors

  • Carson Kahn
  • Cassie Drochelman
  • Eric Purwaka
  • Michael Wei
  • Nathaniel Johnson
  • Nicole Neeley
  • Paige Ruby


  • Pitch video shot by Alessandro Lunghi & Lexi Henderson
  • Pitch video voiceover by Kim Vozar
