
Want to help out with The Wild Was itself? Great, we're looking for volunteers! We need help with marketing, social media, and promotions. We are also hoping to build a street team to help distribute the book.

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Direct Action

Wondering what else you can do to help preserve our wild places and the creatures that live in them? Here are a few options.

Talk to your community

Let your community know that biodiversity is important to you. This can range from posting on social media (sharing a cool art project, perhaps) all the way up to getting arrested at a protest, but don't dismiss the power of small actions. People tend to do what they see other people doing, and normalization often precedes vast waves of social change. Even having private conversations with friends and family can create a ripple effect.

Here are some resources to educate yourself and others about biodiversity:

Vote with your purchases

Even the biggest corporations can be swayed by consumers and investors. If you're a consumer, take a moment to write the customer service department of a large company and tell them that you intend to support biodiversity preservation with your purchases. Remember that the people who work at these corporations also live on Earth — it's possible that they are on our side, and just need evidence of consumer sentiment to push for changes within their organizations.

If you're an investor, pay attention to biodiversity pledges of the companies you choose, and make your voice heard in shareholder meetings, even if you're not a major investor. If a company doesn't appear to be making any effort, ask them why not. Biodiversity pledges are increasing, but most companies still haven't committed to it.

Talk to your government

Most people avoid engaging with politics, which gives an outsized voice to those who do. Calling, emailing, or showing up at the office of your representative can have a big impact, especially at the local level. Here's a page from the World Wildlife Fund that includes forms to contact US Congress: https://support.worldwildlife.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=can_actions

Talk to your employer

Policy isn't just decided by governments; corporate policy matters as much or more. As an employee, you may have an opportunity to influence the direction of your organization. Let leadership know that biodiversity matters to you, and that maintaining the health of the biosphere is everyone's responsibility. Are you a leader at your company? If so, use your influence for what matters.